
I present projects I’ve worked on to date. To view all my activities kindly visit the Profile page.


At Logicworks, I focus on mass management of Apple devices. We help clients with the implementation and management of MDM solutions VMware Workspace ONE, SimpleMDM and Jamf Pro. We complement commercial solutions with open source tools Munki, MunkiReport, AutoPkg and others.

I designed and built a new internal IT infrastructure for the company. We run services such as websites with a database, network monitoring system, IKEv2 VPN and many more. The complete list is very comprehensive.

More on the project page.

AppleLab at FIT ČVUT

Since 2014, the Faculty of Information Technology of the Czech Technical University has had an Apple laboratory designed to teach the development of mobile applications for iOS. The preparation and deployment of the classroom was the subject of my bachelor’s and master’s thesis. Even after graduating, I continue to work with FIT and take care of the classroom.

Together with the ICT department, we connected the classroom to several faculty systems, including connection to the classroom installation system, which made it easy to deploy Windows and Linux on Macs in addition to macOS. macOS administration was built using wide variety of open soruce tools, many of which were created by the MacSysAdmin community.

More on the project page.

macOS management system for Abuco ICT

Abuco ICT‘s clients also include a real estate agency and a graphics studio, where the total number of Macs climbed to two hundred. The goal of our collaboration was to create a centralized management system that allows easy deployment of new computers, automated software installation, including system updates and Mac monitoring.

I designed a solution based on a server available via the Internet, which we use for both clients.

More on the project page.

Cooperation with Quentin

I worked for two years at the Qstore, where I helped users with their Macs and iOS devices. This was followed by cooperation with Quentin, under which Qstore was operated.

I helped Quentin with projects for corporate customers. Our major accomplishment was the deployment of iPads a d AppleTVs for several hotels in Prague. The project also included several Macs in the role of a server and user training. Several companies have asked us for assistance with integrating macOS into an Active Directory domain.

More on the project page.